🚀 Devlog Update: Price change and all roll books are now included as one purchase!

Hi People!

I’m here with a quick update to the Realms: Etria page. I’ve been hard at work designing Realms V2 and it’s almost there. But I’ve decided to wait and run a Kickstarter for it during Zinequest so that I can invest in nice art.

Whilst I’m tweaking V2, I’ve decided to lower the price for the original Realms: Etria game and to bundle all of the Roll Books into it as well. This is more in tune with how I plan to release Realms: Etria V2, as a full game book.

That’s the update! So check out the rest of the Roll Books I’ve added and let me know what you think.

Also, for those interested in when I release Realms: Etria V2, I’m starting a newsletter you can join here.


Roll Books.zip 115 MB
45 days ago

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